Why Advanced Coursework?
Why Advanced Coursework?
Reason #1: Surround yourself with driven peers and passionate teachers
Students who take honors and Advanced Placement classes are often the most satisfied with their class experience. Students like being around other students who expect to be challenged and are asked to demonstrate competencies in the kind of learning that is expected in post secondary education. Students enjoy interacting and diving deep into a topic or discussion with peers who are equally engaged.
Teachers who teach our honors and AP courses are specifically chosen because of their passion for the subject they teach. They have an infectious curiosity about what they are teaching and have invested in becoming a specialist in the subject.
In a recent study, students taking advanced coursework have better self-esteem and lower absenteeism. Students who participate in advanced coursework also graduate at a much high percentage than those students who not participate in advanced coursework.
Reason #2: Prepare yourself for school after high school
High school prepares every student for a future after high school but advance coursework gives students the opportunity to gain skills and learning habits that are directly aligned to the skills and habits for coursework in post secondary education. Many students intend to attend college or technical school after high school. These post secondary institutions expect students have research skills, think critically, organize and synthesize information. Advanced coursework in high school prepares students for these expectations. Students who take advanced coursework have shown a significant measure of success compared to those not participating in high school advanced coursework.
In a very tangible way, students who take advanced placement courses can earn college credit while in high school. Gaining credit in high school makes college less expensive and can lower of the number of required courses to be take in college. This is money in a families pocket.
Reason #3: Taking advanced coursework can increase your chances of getting into the college of your choice
Did you know that 95% of all student admitted into Georgia Tech had AP Calculus in high school? This is one example of how advanced coursework can open doors for the college of your choice. The average student admitted into UGA for 2022-23 have taken between 7-12 AP and Dual Enrollment courses. Smaller colleges and technical schools also look for AP and advanced coursework as a measure of a student’s potential success in college.
In addition being used as admission criteria, exposure to advance coursework in high school has been shown to increase SAT and ACT scores. In a study by the College Board, students who have exposure to rigorous coursework in high school see significant gain in SAT scores.