High School Course Catalog
Below are course offerings for students at Impact Academy. Note that some are only available to Virtual Students.
Academic Course Offerings:
4 English courses required:
9th Grade Literature (regular or honors)
World Literature (regular or honors)
American Literature (regular or honors) or AP Language
British Literature (regular or honors) or AP Literature
4 Math courses required:
Foundations of Algebra (for 9th grade students not ready for Algebra I yet)
Algebra I (regular or honors)
Geometry (regular or honors)
Algebra II (regular or honors)
Advanced Math Decision Making, College Readiness Math, Math of Finance, or Pre-Calculus (regular or honors)
AP Calculus AB or AP Statistics (5th math)
AP Calculus BC (6th math)
4 Science courses required:
Biology or Honors Biology
Physical Science or Physics
Chemistry (regular, honors, or AP) or Environmental Science or Earth Systems
Human Anatomy or Forensic Science or AP Biology or AP Chemistry or AP Physics, or AP Environmental Science
3 Social Studies courses/credits required:
World History (regular or honors or AP)
US History (regular or honors or AP)
Government (regular, honors or AP) AND Economics (regular, honors or AP)
*Many courses above may be satisfied through Dual Enrollment at a college (if you are already registered and scheduled for Fall).
Elective Course Offerings:
Support classes for remedial help:
Algebra I Support
Geometry Support
Basic Reading/Writing 1
Basic Reading/Writing II
World Languages:
Spanish I, II, III (regular or honors)
AP Spanish (Georgia Virtual School)
French I, II, III (regular or honors)
AP French (Georgia Virtual School)
German, Chinese, American Sign Language, and Latin: I, II, III, and AP (if available)
Japanese I, II, and III (Georgia Virtual School)
Year 1 Elective options:
Psychology and Sociology (semester of each)
AP Psychology
Ethnic Studies
Marketing Principles
AP Music Theory (Georgia Virtual School)
Music Appreciation (Georgia Virtual School)
Early Childhood Education I, II, and III
AP Art History (Georgia Virtual School)
AP Human Geography (Georgia Virtual School)
AP European History (Georgia Virtual School)
Comprehensive Art I (year 1)
Visual Arts/Photography (year 2)
Intro to Business Technology (year 1)
Legal Environment of Business (year 2)
Entrepreneurship (year 3)
Intro to Software Technology (year 1)
Computer Science Principles or AP Computer Science (year 2)
Programming, Games, Apps, & Society (year 3)
Food, Nutrition, and Wellness (year 1)
Food for Life (year 2)
Food Science (year 3)
Intro to Law & Justice (year 1)
Criminal Justice Essentials (year 2)
Basic Agriscience (year 1)
Animal Science (year 2 or 3)
Plant Science (year 2 or 3)
Intro to Healthcare Science (year 1)
Essentials of Healthcare (year 2)
Health (semester) *graduation requirement
Personal Fitness (semester) *graduation requirement
Lifetime Sports
Physical Conditioning