Supply List
Fourth Grade Supply List
Pencil Pouch/Box |
Headphones |
Small White Board (for dry erase markers) |
Dry Erase Markers |
Colored pencils |
Crayons |
Markers |
Pencils |
Pencil sharpener |
Erasers |
Glue Stick |
Scissors |
Index Cards |
7 Composition Notebooks |
Liquid School glue |
Highlighters |
*Blended Students Only*
1 Roll of Paper Towels
1 Box of Tissues
1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer
1 Container of Antibacterial Wipes
Reading Books Required:
One and Only Ivan
Because of Winn Dixie
Watsons Go to Birmingham
Math Manipulatives Required: Please click the hyperlinks to view the recommended items to purchase from Amazon.
Analog clock (with moveable hands)
Multiplication and Division chart
***Please be advised that we will conduct science labs and projects throughout the school year. Parents will be required to purchase the materials needed for science labs and projects.