Are you having technology trouble? Read below to find the solution to common problems impacting families at Impact Academy.
Google Meet
I can’t get in
Are you signed in with your school email?
Did you click the link on Google classroom?
If you still cannot get in, the class has not started yet. You will be able to get in once the class starts.
Check your wi-fi signal. Depending on how strong or weak it is, this may be the cause.
I can’t hear
Make sure the sound on your computer is turned up.
Is your tab muted? If so, right click and hit unmute
Put in chat that you will be back. Then exit the meeting and re-enter.
If none of these work, turn your captions on. To do this, hover over the bottom of the Google Meet and then hit the square cc.
I can’t see
Pin teacher/ presentation by hovering over their square.
Hover over the bottom of the Google Meet. Hit the three dots on the right side. Hit change layout. Change the layout to sidebar.
How do I see the chat?
Hit the chat box in the top right corner of Google Meet.
*Note if you leave and come back, you will not be able to see the previously typed chats.
How do I raise my hand?
Look at the top left corner of Google Meet. There should be a bar with a thumbs up, a raise hand icon, and a setting gear. To raise your hand, tap on the raise hand icon.
Your chromebook should have an extension called Nod. If not, send an email to your teacher.
How do I turn my camera on?
Hover over the bottom of the Google Meet screen.
Look at the three buttons in the middle.
If the camera (the button furthest to the right) button is red and has a slash through it, your camera is off.
Tap on the camera icon to turn your camera on.
How do I mute and unmute myself?
Hover over the bottom of the Google Meet screen.
Look at the three buttons in the middle.
The speaker (the button furthest to the left) button will be red with a slash through it if it is muted. To unmute, tap the speaker button.
How do I leave the call?
Hover over the bottom of the Google Meet screen.
Look at the three buttons in the middle.
The red phone (the button in the middle) will end the call if tapped.
Google Classroom
Why can’t I see my assignments?
Make sure you are on the Classwork tab.
Click on the current week or subject.
Click on the assignment you want to complete.
How can I check my grades?
Go to the grades tab and you should be able to see grades and missing assignments.
All assignments will also be in Infinite Campus
How do parents access Google Classroom?
Parents/ Guardians have the option to receive a parent summary with the assignments and the assignment details. However, parents/ guardians will not be able to directly access Google Classroom.
What if I am missing emails?
Go to the settings gear at the top right corner of the screen.
Turn off focused inbox.
How can I access Office 365?
You should have access to Word, Powerpoint, Excel, and more for free. To access these tools click the waffle icon on the top right corner of the screen. From there, select the tool you wish to use. This will open up the online version.
Grades on Infinite Campus
How can I check my grades?
Log on to your Infinite Campus Student Portal. Use LaunchPad to access the portal.
Once logged in, you should see a sidebar with a list of tabs. Click on the grades tab to check grades and missing assignments.
Accessing HMH
How do I log on to HMH?
Use LaunchPad to access HMH.
Chromebook Help
General Tips
Make sure you shut down your computer each night.
Every few weeks, go to the school to connect to the wifi and check for updates.
I can’t connect to the internet/ slow internet connection
Make sure your wifi is turned on and connected to the correct server.
Check to make sure wifi passwords have not been changed. If they have, update the password.
Try turning the wifi on your computer off and then back on
Turn off your computer and turn it back on
Make sure you do not have too many tabs open or are using multiple streaming sites.