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All Homework Posted on Google Classroom



Google Classroom -Digital Remote Learning ALL STUDENTS  (Please open section A google classroom)

 All Google Meet Links are located in the Google Classroom for each class period.

Students please do all your work daily on google classroom

All homework is posted on the Google Classroom

Always check daily on google classroom for work/activities. 



Late work and Retake Policy


Practice Work 


Homework- Homework in Henry County School District should provide time for students to practice what they have learned in class or to elaborate on information that has been introduced. Homework and practice should be used as instructional tools to help foster mastery of the outlined skills and concepts and it should provide opportunities for students to refine and extend their knowledge of content taught throughout the school year.


Make-Up Work

Students are responsible for any missed assignment on the first day they return to school from an absence.


Parents please check the work given on google classroom for class assignments.