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Welcome 7th grade Students and Parents, 
It will be an exciting school year full of opportunities and growth!
                     As you begin your journey here at Impact Academy, I want to tell you how delighted I am to have you on my team. I believe every student can learn if given the proper tools, and it is my job to try every tool I can to help you maximize your potential. I encourage you to reach out to me via email if you have any concerns or if you just want to check in. I am so happy to have each one of you and I look forward to getting to know all of my students on an individual basis this year. Let's have fun! 

Social Studies is a critical subject at the middle school level. Students are taught to read like a historian/geographer and investigate multiple sources in order to draw conclusions about events in history and the world. Students will gain an understanding of the modern cultural and physical landscape of Southwest Asia (Middle East), Africa and South and East Asia.


  • Students will gain an understanding of the modern cultural and physical landscape of Southwest Asia (Middle East), Africa and South and East Asia
  • Students will compare and assess the human environment interaction of these regions by examining the distribution, pollution and use of natural resources in the areas.
  • Students will explore factors influencing the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in each region through trade and world influences.
  • Students will examine historical events in the regions to determine how governments, nations, economies and culture were formed during periods of conflict and change.

Student Requirements:

  1. Students are required to enter class (Google Classroom) prepared and on time every day.
  2. Students are expected to work hard and stay on task during class to make the best effort to complete all class work.
  3. Students are expected to complete all homework assignments the night they are assigned.
  4. Students are expected to turn in their homework on the assigned due date.
Grading, Homework, Make-up Work (This is from the District Handbook)


Grading Weights

The grading percentages are as follows: Gradebook categories will be weighted as follows

•          Assessments - 40%

•          Practice Work - 40%

•          Finals Exams – 20%

Grading Scale





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Students should receive at least one academic grade in each subject each week.

-Assessment Tasks- Such as constructed response assessments, selected response assessments, reflective assessments, summative unit assessments, culminating performance tasks, projects.

-Practice Work- Class work, homework, formative assessments, diagnostic assessments, written reflections. May be graded for accuracy or completion.

-Semester Summative Assessment Tasks- Assesses the totality of standards for the course. In the case of a high school course with an End of Course (EOC) Test, the semester summative assessment will be the EOC at the completion of the full course.


Students that misbehave during instructional time receive the following:

  • Verbal warning
  • Phone call /email to parent




 laptop teaching


o   Email (Preferred)                                                                                                         

o   Email :

o   School Webpage (Please check frequently for additional information)