What is Genius Hour?
Phase One: Students
choose a topic that they are excited to learn more about and explore! Forms are due Friday, January 20th. Students will design a backwards plan from the date of the Gifted Genius Hour Showcase which is tentatively scheduled for May 18th at 8:00 a.m. Phase Two:
Students present their idea to the community. By announcing what they are
doing, it holds students more accountable for the project they are creating. During this phase students research, plan, design, explore, and create their projects. Phase
Three: All projects are due May 5th. Students will become the teachers to share their amazing projects with the class the following week in preparation for our Gifted Genius Hour Showcase.
With permission you can watch the following videos for a little inspiration to get started.
The following standards will be addressed in the Genius Hour projects:
vocabulary, ELAGSE_RI10: informational texts, ELAGSE_SL1: collaborative
conversations, ELAGSE_W2: Write informative/explanatory texts, ELAGSE_W7:
Conduct short research projects, ELAGSE_W8: Gather relevant information from
multiple print and digital sources; ELAGSE_W10: Write routinely over extended
time frames, ELAGSE_SL5: multimedia
components, ELAGSE_W2: Write informative/explanatory texts, ELAGSE_W7: Conduct
short research projects, ELAGSE_W8: provide a list of sources, ELAGSE_W10:
Write routinely, ELAGSE_SL5: Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound)
and visual displays in presentationsELAGSE_L4:
vocabulary, ELAGSE_RI10: informational texts, ELAGSE_SL1: collaborative
conversations, ELAGSE_W2: Write informative/explanatory texts, ELAGSE_W7:
Conduct short research projects, ELAGSE_W8: Gather relevant information from
multiple print and digital sources; ELAGSE_W10: Write routinely over extended
time frames, ELAGSE_SL5: multimedia
components, ELAGSE_W2: Write informative/explanatory texts, ELAGSE_W7: Conduct
short research projects, ELAGSE_W8: provide a list of sources, ELAGSE_W10:
Write routinely, ELAGSE_SL5: Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound)
and visual displays in presentations