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HS Elective Food Science - Scott, Priscilla

Welcome to Ms. Scott's Web Page

Family and Consumer Sciences

Teacher Name: Priscilla Scott

School Email Address:

School Phone:  770 914-8189


Family and Consumer Sciences program prepares students for post secondary education and careers in the business related aspects of family and consumer sciences.  It provides opportunities to develop the knotorywledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that students need to become responsible citizens and leaders; and to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse global society.
In addition to classroom/laboratory instruction, which aids in the development of academic and technical skills, the Family and Consumer Sciences program also includes participation the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), a career and technical student organization.  FCCLA provides an array of activities to enhance student academic and technical competencies and develop leadership and communication skills.