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Teacher: Carla D. Keaton
Courses Taught:
AP Precalculus/ Precalculus
Honors Algebra II/ Algebra II
Welcome, I am excited to work with you and your child.  I know we will have a successful, productive year and I look forward to being part of the academic progress your child will make.  In my class, I set high expectations for every student and I expect students to show respect for all students and respect will be given in return.  Parental involvement is key to a successful student; therefore, I keep lines of communication open at all times.  Email is the most convenient way of communication for me.  It is my belief that when parents and teachers work together, a student can accomplish anything.
All course work and materials can be found in Google Classroom for Algebra II, Honor Algebra 2, Precalculus and AP Precalculus will be housed in Google classroom.