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Google Classroom

This year, we will be utilizing Google Classroom for your coursework, etc.  You must sign up for Google classroom as well as check in regularly to keep on top of your assignments.  Use the codes located in your course syllabus to sign up for the appropriate course.

Student Guide to Google Classroom:  Read through this handout if you are unfamiliar with Google Classroom in order to learn how to use it. 
Student Quick Start to Google Classroom: Read through this handout if you are unfamiliar with Google Classroom in order to learn how to navigate and turn in your assignments. 
Accessing Google Classroom:
1.  Go to
2. Type in your username and password that you use at school
        Password:  firstinitialoffirstname + firstinitialoflastname + 6-digit-DOB + #
                         (initials need to be capitalized.  do not enter "+" sign)
3. Locate your assignments in google classroom.
4. Be sure to click turn-in once assignments are complete.