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Workout/Exercise Requirements

Impact Academy & HCOA

Health & Personal Fitness

  Fitness Log - Exercise/Workout Requirements

IMPORTANT: Each student taking Health or Personal Fitness through Impact Academy or Henry County Online Academy needs to be able to quickly check your heart rate before, during, and after exercise. You can purchase your own heart rate monitor that will calculate this for you, but you are encouraged to learn how to manually calculate your heart rate.
The exercise portion of the course counts as 20% of your final course average. Your online course work (including the final exam) counts as 70% of your final course average. I have included the following documents to help you, please open these and save them to your computer wherever it is more convenient: 


  1. Exercise/Workout Requirements - This explains how the exercises/activities will be graded and what the requirements include - plus information on logging activities in your Fitness Log in Edgenuity.
  2. Determining your Target Heart Rate Zone - This explains how to determine your target heart rate zone.
  3. How to find and calculate your pulse without a Heart Rate Monitor - Follow this link to see the quick steps for finding and calculating your pulse so you can manually enter your data into the Fitness log. 

Please go ahead and read over the documents attached and get started so that you can be sure you are doing everything correctly.