Kickball Tournament
7th Annual Kickball Tournament
You are invited to the 7th Annual Kickball Tournament
Please make plans to join us for the 7th Annual Kickball Tournament! This is always a huge event that you will not want to miss!! It will not be the same without you!
Click here for the 2024 Kickball Team Rosters
Click here for the Live Tournament Bracket
Click here for the 2024 Kickball Rules
Details below…
- Impact Academy Middle School – Staff and Students (blended and virtual) Kickball Tournament
- When - May 10th - Start time 9:15am – until noonish (the field area will be opened at 8:15am for set up)
- Location – Henry County Track & Stadium – just across the street from our campus.
- Parking – please park in our main parking lot
- Lunch – You may bring your own lunch, or you can pre-order a pizza lunch from Papa John's. A school lunch is also an option – It will be a sack lunch.
- Please complete the survey below if you plan to attend the event as a spectator or participant. Students on campus that day are expected to attend the event.
We have been working hard all school year long. Let’s have a little fun together on Friday, May 10th and burn off a little steam with some kickball! Bring plenty of water, sunglasses, lawn chairs, sunscreen and a tent if you prefer. Teams will be arranged from the completed surveys. I will do my best to split the teams up for some great competitive play. You may NOT choose your team or recruit your friends to play on your team. To sign up just complete the Kickball Survey below by Tuesday, April 30th! I would like to send out team assignments by Wednesday, May 1st.
Even if you are not going to play, please complete the survey so we know how many people to expect at the event.
Please complete this survey for each person attending the event.
Click here to complete the survey
A Pizza Lunch meal can be ordered through the link below. It will be $8 and must be paid for through My School Bucks by April 30th. Lunches will include 2 slices of pizza, chips, and a water bottle. We will have extra pizza to sell on the day of the event, but if you want to make sure you get pizza please order and pay by April 30th. All proceeds from lunch will help benefit our 2024-25 Robotics Club. You can also opt for a school sack lunch that will be the normal school lunch price and you will pay for it the normal way.
Here is the My School Bucks link for the kickball tournament lunches:
Click here to order your pizza lunch.
Parents, in an effort to keep costs to a minimum and to raise money for our Impact Academy Middle School Robotics Club, we are asking for your help in donating items for our kickball tournament.
If you are able to help with donations please complete the link below.
Click here for the donations link - All donations must be brought to the Impact Academy Front Office no later than Friday, May 3.
Keep Moving,
Coach Watts