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Classroom Visitation

Classroom Observation Guidelines


The faculty and administration of Impact Academy Middle School welcome you to our school.  We truly believe Impact has the best learning environment; and we thank you for your interest in the instructional program we offer to our students.  We hope you will have a rewarding experience when you observe the classroom; one that provides you with a greater insight into the dedication of our teachers and staff.  It is our desire to ensure the instructional process is not disturbed.  As such, we ask that you make arrangements with your child’s teacher before you visit to ensure the best time and date are selected.  We also have specific requirements that we ask all visitors to comply with during their time in the classroom.   We appreciate your cooperation with these guidelines and thank you for your interest in our instructional program.  Most importantly, we are thankful for our partnership with you.

It is our expectation that all visitors please comply with the following guidelines to preserve the learning environment and prevent avoidable disruptions.

  • Arrange a date and time with your child’s teacher or administration. (preferably 24-hour notice)
  • Visitors must sign in at the main office, with a picture ID.
  • Visitation will not be allowed if the classroom is involved in state or local testing.
  • Visitors are asked to silence all electronic devices before entering the room.
  • Visitors should enter the classroom at the specified time.
  • Visitors are asked to sit in the back of the room and refrain from interrupting the instructional process. We ask that you limit your observation to 30 minutes.
  • No pictures of videos may be taken during the classroom observation.  This is to protect the privacy of other students and adults.
  • Visitors are asked not to carry on dialogue with the teacher or with any student (including your own child) during the visit.
  • At the completion of the visit, visitors are asked to return to the main office to sign-out.
  • Visitors who wish to schedule a parent-teacher conference may do so through the teacher or an administrator outside of the observation time.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions regarding the observation guidelines above.