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Jr. Beta Club


Beta Shield

Junior Beta Club 

6th-8th Grades

"Let Us Lead By Serving Others"

Junior Beta is a club that values and promotes Achievement, Service, Character, and Leadership.  You must be invited to be a part of this club and maintain grades of B's or above. 



2024-25 Officers:

President:  Stulahn E.

Vice President:  Allyson G.

Secretary:  Z'Niyah A.

Treasurer:  Levi C.

Reporter:  Christina A. 


Selection Criteria:

  • Grades
  • Teacher recommendation
  • Demonstrates outstanding academic achievement and work ethic, exemplary classroom behavior, exemplifies leadership characteristics, and maintains a commendable attitude

Membership Requirements:

Membership in Impact Academy’s Jr. Beta Club will be active throughout the 2024-25 school year provided that the student maintains the requirements set forth as follows:

  • Members will be required to maintain all B’s or higher for both Fall and Spring semesters of the 2024-25 school year. Grades will be evaluated at the end of each semester.
  • Members will be required to participate in two service projects. 
  • Members will be required to attend monthly meetings throughout this school year. 
  • Additionally, members must exemplify a high work ethic, worthy character, and a commendable attitude with no disciplinary infractions throughout the entire school year.

Meeting Times:

Meetings will be held the second Wednesday of each month starting September 11th, 2024. Meeting attendance is mandatory per the membership requirements of our Beta club.

Meeting time: 3:10 pm on Google Meet


Dues for the 2024-25 school year are as follows:

Mandatory New Members: $30

This fee includes National, State, and School fees.

2024-25 Jr.Beta Sponsor:

David Crumbley: 


Beta School of Merit 23-24