Junior Beta is a club that values and promotes Achievement, Service, Character, and Leadership. You must be invited to be a part of this club and maintain grades of B's or above.
2024-25 Officers:
President: Stulahn E.
Vice President: Allyson G.
Secretary: Z'Niyah A.
Treasurer: Levi C.
Reporter: Christina A.
Selection Criteria:
Teacher recommendation
Demonstrates outstanding academic achievement and work ethic, exemplary classroom behavior, exemplifies leadership characteristics, and maintains a commendable attitude
Membership Requirements:
Membership in Impact Academy’s Jr. Beta Club will be active throughout the 2024-25 school year provided that the student maintains the requirements set forth as follows:
Members will be required to maintain all B’s or higher for both Fall and Spring semesters of the 2024-25 school year. Grades will be evaluated at the end of each semester.
Members will be required to participate in two service projects.
Members will be required to attend monthly meetings throughout this school year.
Additionally, members must exemplify a high work ethic, worthy character, and a commendable attitude with no disciplinary infractions throughout the entire school year.
Meeting Times:
Meetings will be held the second Wednesday of each month starting September 11th, 2024. Meeting attendance is mandatory per the membership requirements of our Beta club.
Meeting time: 3:10 pm on Google Meet
Dues for the 2024-25 school year are as follows:
Mandatory New Members: $30
This fee includes National, State, and School fees.